7 Unusual Hiding Places For Bed Bugs

Bed Bugs are found in many other areas than your bed; they occupy various unusual places when they go into hiding.

These critters can live almost anywhere in your home, which makes it hard to eradicate them.

So let’s look at some of the unusual places bed bugs like to hide:

1. Light Bulbs and Sockets

Bed bugs are tiny and can fit into any hole, including electrical outlets and lightbulbs.

2. Seats on Public Transport

As many people use public transport, bed bugs will inevitably contaminate seats and cling to clothes and luggage. We can’t always avoid sitting on planes, trains and buses for long periods. Still, we should always check our bags and clothes when returning home after a long trip.

3. Rucksacks and Handbags

Bed bugs choose to hide anywhere after feeding, and if your handbag is lying close to your bed, it’s one potential resting place. Unfortunately, it also means that bed bugs can spread when you take your handbag on transport, stay in hotels, or visit someone else’s home.

4. Stuffed Animals and Children’s Toys

That’s right, even children’s toys give bed bugs a chance to hide. This includes plastic toys as well as teddy bears.

5. Cracks and Crevices in Walls

One of the main hideouts for bed bugs is cracks in the wall and skirting boards. They often leave dark reddish brown stains from defecating after a recent meal, giving you an additional clue of their presence.

6. Shoes

Watch out for bed bugs between the laces and the stitching of shoes. If you notice the typical signs of bed bugs, you must wash and dry your shoes at the highest heat possible and inspect the rest of your property.

7. Furniture

Again, look for dark spots on your furniture, such as bedside tables, chairs and headboards. Anywhere close to your bed is an ideal hiding ground.

Bed bugs don’t seem to care where they rest, so long as it’s near where humans sleep. Fortunately, they aren’t invincible and solutions such as heat or chemical treatments are efficient at killing all bed bugs and their eggs.

So please don’t delay seeking help to eliminate these critters, as they won’t go away on their own.